05 June, 2009

So Much to Say......and Do

Hey, kids! I know all has been relatively quiet the last few days, but me oh my how busy I have been!
"So, what's going on with that crazy blogger?!", you say. Well....

I have been researching a new post and furiously writing away. It's almost done and I am thrilled to say I will post it this afternoon. I've rounded up this week's Etsy finds....also comin' at 'cha this afternoon. My pictures from the last wedding I went to are almost all finished, edited and ready to be posted (in a couple of days) and I put the finishing touches on a card box I made for a friend of mine. In other news, I started some renovation on the apartment. I've been spray painting things like a mad woman and trying to get my house ready for a party we are having next week. Whew....

So, just hang on tight and away we go!

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