05 January, 2010

A New Year State of Mind

It's that time of year again. The time of year when we all examine our lives and see what sorts of positive changes can be made. Sometimes we stick to them (start a wedding planning blog and event design company) and sometimes we don't (take up kickboxing). Since I already eat well, exercise daily, belong to Weight Watchers and conserve what I can, I decided to make a short list of resolutions that are a little more abstract, a little tougher to achieve. I hope to be able to follow these not only to the letter, but more importantly to the spirit.

1. Take more risks. Both personally and professionally. I want to keep broadening my horizons and I can only do that if I'm not afraid to fail once in awhile. I decided that just because I'm getting older (28) I don't have to let go of all of my interests. Besides, nothing worthwhile is ever easily attained. Nor should it be. To quote a popular 90's film, "The hard is what makes it great." So, in 2010, I will be fearless and I will run freely into the unknown.

2. Be nicer to myself. This resolution is two-fold for me. First, I need to ease up on myself a little. All the diets, exercise, stylish outfits and beauty products in the world can't help if I don't already love me just the way I am. I need to learn to be my best friend and not my biggest critic. We are all much more than what we look like. This year I will work harder than ever to remember that. Secondly, I need to (and I think this should be the anthem for the digital age) learn to relax when I am away from work and not feel guilty. That means, no checking the iPhone, no e-mail, no Facebook or Twitter. Just relaxation. In August while getting ready for my Honeymoon, I agonized over whether to bring my laptop along. "But what if they need me at the office?", I kept asking myself. Finally, my Mom and The Hubbs had to remind me that a vacation is just that. In 2010, I will bask in the glory of vacations (and we're taking a few of them this year).

3. Blog more. I love authoring blogs. I really do. I am so proud of the two little blogs I started last year. It's here with all of you that I get to explore my passions. I get to write about pretty things, glamorous parties, and incredible weddings. Every time I write, I am exploring your ideas with you. Cultivating an idea into an event! But the best part is I have turned this all into an opportunity to do what I love in the city that I love. I feel great every time I sit down to a new post. In 2010, I want to feel great more often.

So, What do you say? Let's make 2010 one for the books!

Photo Credit: Martha Stewart Weddings dot com

1 comment:

  1. Hi, many couples overlook wedding insurance when planning a wedding because they don't believe they will need it. After all, there is nothing romantic or exciting about wedding insurance and what could possibly go wrong. How about you?
    BLOG 0123
